Work Permit


Work Permit

An open work permit allows a Canadian immigrant to work openly throughout the country. This allows you to work at any location and for any employer so long as they are credible businesses. When hiring an immigrant, Canadian firms will likely be required to submit a Labor Market Impact Assessment (LIMA) to ensure they have adequately searched for a Canadian national to fill their vacant job position. 

You are eligible for an open work permit if you meet on the following criteria: 

Employer Specific Work Permit:

An employer specific work permit allows foreign workers to work for a specific employer at a specific location. This type of work permit will feature you name, the employer you are going to work for, the duration of your employment and the location of your office place. This permit is also known as a closed-work permit and if often subject to a job offer by a Canadian employer who has completed a LMIA report proving that there is no Canadian citizen or permanent resident who is qualified to take this job. 

Eligibility to work permit:

Applying from Outside Canada:

Depending on your country of origin you may be able to apply for a work permit through a visa office outside of Canada. These offices will be able to guide you through the required documentation, fee and procedures associated with your application. You will likely also need to successfully complete a police clearance exam and well as a medical examination from a designated medical doctor. 

Applying from Inside Canada:

You are eligible to apply for a work permit while you are inside Canada if you meet the following criteria: